


A lie and liar

This world is where i live in

This country is not the earth what i believe in

This place is where i was born

This person is not i like to talk to

This man is i hate from i am not a child

I couldn't change this cause i'm trapped in this cage

I want have a change, even it's small & difficult

I want to leave cause it make me not what i am

You're afraid i say byebye to you, and never be with you

I'm also scared i can't live without you

You're my everything and everything is you

But i need to get out from you, far away from this place

I couldn't see the lights shining, hear the river singing

I could only see the clouds flowing, animal running in my dreams

Let me go, to a place that you never find me

Even i want you die, kill you by me

Then i can see the colorful flowers,flying birds through my eyes

Cry for sad,Laugh for fun

Shout for angry,Fight for truth

Love for heart, Dead for belief

That is me, that is true, that is life.

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